martes, 29 de marzo de 2011

The time for intereting post!!!!

This morning I read different article that one person wrote, Anthony Bourdain is one Cheff , he has a program where he visit different countries and he cooking there, I read one interesting article about Nicaragua, this is very important talk about different situation in this country, the communist, and the great people that live there, I never go there and I never watch this program, I try to see because is a cuisine program and I like this type of programs... The post Is this  NEW BOSS, SAME AS THE OLD BOSS

lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011

Visit to museums!!!

hiii!!! everybody!!! One of the ralf´s  homework was go to museums two in specific, First I don´t like this homework, because I was thinking that was a waste of time, but after go to this museums I like it, well I tell you how was my experience in this places, unfortunally I can´t enter to Museo de la mascara because it was close. But I relate my last visit to   Museo de Arte Contemporaneo  (MAC)in this I look a lot of pictures that describe different situations that in this moment are happened in Mexico and the pictures I imagine try to describe the real world, Before this visit I never have the opportunity to visit this museum and I like it. 
In the future I hope the opportunity to see more museums included the museo de la mascara.